Authentication required OKTA is now available as the preferred choice. Connect with OKTA (PROD)(UAT) Connect with IDP
If your OKTA access doesn't work please check the following points (In case of problem here, contact your manager) :
  1. You have access to OKTA PROD ( (you will need a physical token or a Renault PC or your enrollment on OKTA PROD done).
  2. Your password is not expired on PUMP PROD (if you have a physical token or a Renault PC, you can skip this step).
If your OKTA access doesn't work please check the following points (In case of problem here, contact your manager) :
  1. You have access to OKTA UAT ( (you will need a physical token or a Renault PC or your enrollment on OKTA UAT done).
  2. Your password is not expired on PUMP UAT (if you have a physical token or a Renault PC, you can skip this step).